Flow*ers Tarot & Yoga
Healing with Michiko Schneck
Get to Know Me
I am qualified as a social worker and a child minder in Japan, have worked for clients with both physical and learning disabilities in Japan and the UK.
I was a very logical person who believed nothing but facts, but discovering Bach Flower remedies opened up my belief and I started to study healing at The College of Psychic Studies in London in 2001.
At the same college, I also studied Tarot reading and this dramatically changed my life. Since then I use my cards as a powerful healing tool. It also guided me to obtain a deeper understanding in spirituality.
Due to my husband's job relocation, we transferred to Tokyo from London in 2010 and then to Mumbai, India in 2016, New York (NJ) in 2018.
Soon after we moved to India, I was drawn to the The Yoga institute, the world oldest Yoga centre, which cerebrated its 100 years anniversary in 2018. I started to learn abut Yoga and realized that I had actually started my Yoga journey in London.
We came back to UK just before the pandemic. No longer we wanted to live in the big city, and here we are in Exeter, Devon.
肉体を離れても、大切な人が「これだけは伝えてほしい!」と時空を超えてやってきて、「ミディアムを通して会話できる」って、なんだか心が緩みますよね? 私にはその能力はないけれど、スピリチュアルなワークの原点はそういうところ、「愛を繋ぐ」ことにあるのではないかな?と思います。肉体を失っても魂としての学びは続くと分かった時、人は与えられた命を大切にしよう・・・と思うのではないかなと。
Qualifications and Training Experience
CHO accredit healer/ UK healer 2003 - The College of Psychic Studies in London :150 hours. Teachers including Sue Allen and Jenny Lee,
Tarot reader 2004 -CPS : 80 hours By Jackie Barnes
Bach Flower Remedy Certificate Course 2004- foundation & intermediate - Vibrational Healing Foundation
Dowser : many hours of personal teaching by Dr Gunther Schneck
The Yoga institute Teacher training : 200 hours
Yoga Instructor Exam : 2017 QCI level 1 - Indian Government certificate
Advanced Training Program for Yoga Teacher : 200 hours - 2017 A.Y.A Yoga Academy/ISVA yoga Academy. By Iftekhar Ahmed Farooqui
The Diploma in Yoga Counselling - 2018 The Yoga Institute, Manthan Yoga Foundation 300 hours by Dr. Atul Pednekar